The Samsung Gravity reviews posted on the web indicates that users have relatively great experience with handling this phone. However, some users were also concerned about the Samsung Gravity SAR rating.
But what is a SAR rating anyway? Well, this measurement refers to the rate at which the body absorbs energy when exposed to a radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic field. The acronym stands for Specific absorption rate.
Consumers are concerned over the SAR rate of mobile phones because they are used close to a users head. A device with a very high Specific absorption rate may cause ill effects for the user. The government mandates that phones sold have a SAR level at or below 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg) taken over a volume of 1 gram of tissue.
So what is the Samsung Gravity SAR rating? According to the FCC, the phone has a rating of
0.487 watt per kilogram. It's well below the limits set by the government so that should mean that it's safe to use the device.
It's a safe phone to use and it also provides satisfaction with its solid performance. This handset is one of the best phones last year. Let's hope that the second Gravity will be just as awesome.
That's it for this post on the Samsung Gravity SAR rating . Tune in to this blog to get more of the latest news and views on the mobile phone world.